Case Study

Enabling Flawless VIP
Journeys for a Global Sporting Event

The Challenge

How can event organisers manage complex VIP journeys in a large sporting event with multiple touch points — while minimising manual effort for staff and wait times for guests?

Industry: Sports & Entertainment

Measurable Results


Operational efficiency gained, seamless logistics


Boost in V/VIP satisfaction, elevated brand experience


Faster, automated checkins


Operational efficiency gained, seamless logistics


Boost in V/VIP satisfaction, elevated brand experience


Faster, automated checkins

Seamless, Personalised Journeys Powered by the Gaia Platform

Gaia app dashboard showcasing location-based guest insights

The Project

This highly anticipated global sporting event hosts visitors, dignitaries and teams from across the world. The organisers were looking for a way to deliver a smooth, efficient and secure experience for V/VIP guests that worked seamlessly across multiple venues: from airport pickup to hotels, stadiums and amenities over the course of the event.

Considering the large volume of guests, the solution needed to reduce the pressures on the operations team, gain maximum awareness, and help automate logistics and incident reporting.

The innovative Gaia platform addressed 3 strategic challenges: enabling a journey spanning multiple venues and anticipating guest arrival at each checkpoint without requiring guests to queue, serving a large volume of guests without time-consuming manual data checks, and helping automate service checklist and incident reporting in real-time.

What We Did

A light and secure mesh-network with BLE tags, gateways, staff app, dashboard and geofencing to keep staff informed and proactive every step of the way

Our unique solution combined a variety of location-based technologies for end-toend journey mapping and insights, with minimal hardware deployment. Guests had a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tag clipped onto their badge (this required no integration with the badge) and the guest operations team were equipped with the Gaia app on their Android and iOS devices. Staff received concise, relevant notifications as guests approached them, minimising data overwhelm.

BLE gateways were installed in lessfrequented areas such as corridors where staff were not located full-time to ensure oversight. Geofences around the stadiums and hotels triggered notifications when fleet drivers’ phones entered a 1km-radius alerting the guest operations office dashboard with real-time information on arriving guests, and staff were notified via their apps for full visibility.

  • One-of-a-kind architecture leveraged BLE tags, gateways, staff app, dashboard and geofencing
  • Low hardware deployment
  • Real-time analytics dashboard, data aggregator and app — with timely alerts to effectively manage the guest journey
Gaia VIP Journey BLE Tag
BLE Tag on Existing Badge
Gaia Staff App alerting event staff of arriving guests Gaia Staff App alerting event staff of arriving guests
Gaia Staff App Home View
Personalised welcome of guests using Gaia
Staff Welcoming VIP Guest
User journey of VIP guests from arrival at the airport to the stadium
VIP Journey Technical Illustration

The Impact

A next-generation relationship between guests and staff at sporting events

The results were a radical improvement on manual guest management, staff communication and logistics. The solution was ingenious because it did not make any demands on guests — there was no need to wait or queue. For staff, the technology complemented their capabilities and improved communication. The guest operations teams were required to deliver a certain number of services as part of their duties and Gaia ensured this was tracked and reported with minimal intervention. The mesh network and light infrastructure allowed speedy and cost-effective deployment in a very crowded environment, with the robust infrastructure ensuring GDPR compliance, helping the organisers deliver a consistent, inspiring and world-class brand experience.

For event managers and guests
  • Frictionless and personalised journeys for VIP and VVIP guests
  • Light, cost-effective infrastructure that can rely on existing staff devices and bluetooth tags on badges
  • Empower guest operations with realtime information
  • Incident reporting and information sharing between staff across multiple locations
  • Automate service completion checklists
  • Reduce data entry and manual error
  • Analytics to improve guest experiences and event operations