Case Study

Enhancing Safety and Efficiency:
Unauthorised Workers and
Trucks Detection at a Cement Factory

The Challenge

How do you enable seamless access for your employees at your premises with the highest level of access control?

Industry: Unauthorised Detection

Measurable Results


Authorised workers across facilities


Long-range RFID trucks tags combined with existing CCTV cameras


Manufacturing plants


Authorised workers across facilities


Long-range RFID trucks tags combined with existing CCTV cameras


Manufacturing plants

The Project

The cement factory, a leading Asian player in the industry, struggled to efficiently control the access of all trucks and workers throughout their facilities. With numerous entry points and a large workforce, the challenge was to deploy the Gaia platform to accurately and promptly identify unauthorised individuals and trucks, ensuring the safety of employees and preventing potential security breaches.


The right combination of touchpoints to detect unauthorised workers and trucks in real-time.

What We Did

Implementing an intelligent monitoring system

We ran our Gaia platform and staff application to trigger alerts in case of unauthorised truck or worker access across facilities.

The unauthorised worker detection leveraged existing CCTV camera feeds combined with facial authentication performed in edge computing from our AI units.

The monitoring of trucks also used our AI units detecting trucks from existing camera feeds, combined with long-range UHF tags in trucks to confirm their authentication.

  • Intelligent surveillance system with advanced video analytics
  • Facial recognition technology for accurate identification
  • Dashboards with alerts report
Truck detected by intelligent monitoring system
Intelligent monitoring system combining AI on existing camera with long-range RFID tags
Authorised and unauthorised workers detected on the Gaia app
Authorised and unauthorised workers detected on the Gaia app

The Impact

Safeguarding the worker safety, the factory operations and assets

The implementation of our Unauthorised Persons Detection solution had a significant impact on the company bottom line.

The intelligent surveillance system can save multi-million dollars annually, including loss prevention (preventing theft and vandalism), productivity loss (time savings resulting from streamlined access, better personnel resource allocation) and company reputation.

  • Multi-million dollars saved annually
  • Enhanced safety while streamlining access control in daily operations