Case Study

Tracking Media
Performance on
Hong Kong's
Historic Tramway

The Challenge

How do you leverage technology to determine patterns and optimise media spends on Hong Kong's iconic tramway?

Industry: Transportation

Measurable Results


Accuracy over project period


Advertising campaign performance


Tramcar tracking across locations


Accuracy over project period


Advertising campaign performance


Tramcar tracking across locations

The Project

Hong Kong Tramways - in service on Hong Kong Island since 1904 - operates 165 trams, which together carry over 200,000 passengers across the city every day. Our project tracked tramcar patterns for a leading outdoor media group, leveraging technology to evaluate media asset performance on the tramway. The goal was to enhance its accountability as an advertising medium as well as to allow for more fine-grained campaign analysis over time.


Bluetooth sensors open up exciting possibilities to measure the success of out of home advertising, while able to improve targeting and personalisation for travellers.

What We Did

Bringing location intelligence to tramway advertising

We deployed BLE beacons on tramcars, a gateway with power supply and a WiFi modem near tram shelters and paired this with an account on our Gaia cloud Platform platform with actionable analytics and insights. By capturing real-time vehicle shelter activity, tramways and media companies have access to richer data about advertising exposure, to determine the average number of media views across the city, and the proportion of repeated views for a particular advertisement over a period of time. Media companies are also able to make informed decisions about the optimum duration of a campaign.

  • Bluetooth sensors on tramway bodies
  • Gateways at shelters
  • Account on cloud-based platform with real-time analytics
  • Non-invasive, anonymous, and real-time data-collection

The Impact

Boosting accountability and targeting for outdoor advertising

Our technology helps validate the success of out-of-home advertising. But beyond media planning and optimisation, rich data and real-time insights can be used by planners and public safety personnel for analytics on occupancy, frequency and location. Looking ahead, technology also lays the groundwork to make public transit safer and more accessible to riders with disabilities or impairments. Taken together, these capabilities offer new possibilities for safer, more profitable and connected public transit.

  • Consistent asset tracking with detailed KPIs
  • Monitor tramway patterns in real-time
  • Enhance media efficiency
  • Determine campaign duration